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Ines Jordana: About me...

I currently live in my home town of Madrid where I combine freelancing work with leading the Food, Agriculture and Rural Development Department in the  Spanish Ornithological Society, member of BirdLife International - the world's largest global partnership of conservation organisations, with 120 partner organisations striving to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity.

Previously, I worked as part of the permanent team of the European Network for Rural Development Contact Point (ENRD CP) in Brussels and was before that part of the teams that worked to establish and manage the very first National Rural Network Support Units in both Spain and Romania.

At the ENRD Contact Point, I worked within the Knowledge Exchange and Networking Group. My main tasks included the coordination of ENRD's regular meetings of the National Rural Networks, Transnational Cooperation (TNC) seminars, the enhancement of TNC tools for LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs), and the strengthening of ENRD coordination and liaison with the European Commission (DG AGRI), European policy networks, research institutes, and organisations working in the rural development field. 

My personal enthusiasm and motivation for my vocation in European networking is reflected in my Master´s Degree in Project Planning for Rural Development and Sustainable Management in July 2013. For my thesis topic, I carried out extensive research to study the potential of National Rural Networks to contribute to the European programming cycle, based on their role in the preparation of the 2014-2020 Programming Period. During this time I completed the MIT U-Lab course "Leading from the emerging future", an introduction to leading profound social, environmental and personal transformation.

Between 2010-2012 I was Cabinet assistant for the General Director of Rural Development, Ministry of Environment, Marine and Rural Affairs(Spain) and previously I was involved in monitoring UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and the National Parks Network in Spain.

On my free time I continue my viticulture studies, I travel, I learn about eco-feminism and I enjoy social dancing.

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